Hôtel Vierzon
On this page, the latest news from your reference hotel in the heart of Berry , not far from Bourges , Beauval Zoo and Sologne .
ARCHE HÔTEL , in Vierzon , very close to the Berry Canal : your Hotel and Restaurant in the city center offers all of its services to French and European tourists, professionals and businesses. Quality of reception and services, location in the city centre, easy free, covered and guarded parking: everything to satisfy a demanding clientele, tired of hotels along the motorway. And forward to the discoveries!
In Vierzon itself, a few steps from the ARCHE HÔTEL , don't miss a visit to Square Lucien Beaufrère, an Arts Deco garden inaugurated in 1933, located between the Canal de Berry and the Yèvre. To this end and for all information on the heritage, local gastronomy and historical monuments of the surroundings, consult the website of the Tourist Office: https://www.berrysolognetourisme.com
45 minutes from Vierzon via the A85, the famous Beauval Zoo , with exceptional facilities and extraordinary animals: for its visit, the ARCHE HOTEL is an ideal starting point!
See you very soon for a room reservation at the ARCHE HÔTEL in Vierzon .

Soirée étape vrp à Vierzon
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En ce moment près d'ARCHE *** HOTEL...
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Zoo Parc de Beauval - Saint-Aignan (41)
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